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Terms of Service

For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, the “Artist” refers to XO Make Up By Karlie. The “Client” refers to the person named on the Quotation. Once the deposit is received by XO Make Up By Karlie, the Client agrees to the following Terms & Conditions.


SERVICES: The type of services, number of services and date and location of services provided by XO Make Up By Karlie are agreed to by both parties as stated by in the agreed upon written quote provided by the Artist once a deposit for that quote has been received. The Client must notify the Artist as soon as possible of any additional services required on the date. The Artist reserves the right to refuse the provision of services which are additional to those specified in the quote and not agreed to prior to the date of service. Where TBC is written for a service date in the quote provided, the Artist will endeavour to provide that service on a date that is preferable to the client, however, the provision of that service is subject to the Artist’s availability.


BOOKINGS: To secure a date, a deposit is required to be paid. The deposit amount is stated in the quote supplied by the Artist. Amounts for services which are required to be paid in full at the time of service are specified on the written quotation provided. The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable after three (3) days have elapsed from the date of payment receipt. Please be advised, dates and scheduled client times will only be reserved once a deposit is received. 

BOOKING TIMES: Each service requires a certain length of time to be finished and is not to exceed the time limit due to client delays either during or prior to makeup application. All persons involved in appointments need to be available at the scheduled time of said appointment in order to not break the contract. All services for more than one person must be at the same location and consecutive in time.


DELAYS: A late fee of 30.00 will be charged for every 15 minutes of delay when a client is late for the scheduled time, or if the scheduled service exceeds allotted time because of client delays.


SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: When performing the Services, the Artist will use her own supplies and equipment. The Client must have available for the Artist power supply if requested, adequate natural lighting, and clean and safe conditions for the Artist to work in. If the Artist deems that the environment is not of an adequate sanitary or safety standards to work in, the Artist reserves the right to refuse their services and the deposit will not be refunded or transferable. 


PAYMENT: The person responsible for the entire balance of the payment is the person who has agreed to the Terms & Conditions. Payment of services is to be made via bank transfer a minimum of 5 business days prior to the service or in cash in full on the day of service and prior to service commencement.  



PARKING FEES: Where parking or valet fees or may be incurred, the amount will be included in the final bill and due for payment on the day of the event.


TRAVEL FEE: Travel and toll fees may be incurred depending on the return distance of travel required. This amount specified in the quotation and is determined according to the location provided at the time of enquiry. If the location of the service changes after the agreed upon quotation is given and/or deposit is paid, the Artist reserves the right to adjust the travel feel if the distance is increased.


CANCELLATIONS: In the event that the Client cancels the services before the event, the Client will not receive a refund of the deposit. All deposited monies paid by client will be refunded if contract is cancelled within three (3) days of deposit received. After the three-day grace period, should a client cancel the booked event or any service specified in the quotation, the deposit will not be refunded or transferred. If makeup artist cancels at any time or be unable to perform her duties for any reason, the deposit paid will be fully refunded by check within two (2) weeks. Client agrees that the refund of 100% of the deposit is the only liability to XO Make Up By Karlie. 


LIMITATION ON LIABILITY: Client holds the Artist harmless for any claim, loss, damage or injury to any person or property arising, either directly or indirectly, from the Artist's performance.


LIABILITY: All brushes and makeup products are kept sanitary and are sanitized between every makeup application. Makeup products used are hypoallergenic. Any skin condition should be reported by the client to the makeup artist prior to application and, if need be, a sample test of makeup may be performed on the skin to test reaction.


PRIVACY: The Artist takes the Client’s privacy seriously and will not divulge or discuss any details regarding your booking or your personal details with anyone not directly connected with your booking. All details collected are for the sole purpose of providing the best possible service to the Client. After the booking has concluded, the Clients details will be kept securely for a maximum of three (3) years in accordance with Australian taxation requirements. The Artist will never knowingly give or sell your information to a third party.


USE OF IMAGES: The Artist may use on its website and/or in any advertising media is deems appropriate that is capture by the Artist. The Client also agrees to release the name and contact information of professional photographers and/or videographers used for recording any event for which the Artist has been contracted to provide services for.



(a) In the event the Client fails to pay any periodic or instalment payments due, the Artist may cease work without breach pending payment or resolution of dispute.

(b) The Artist shall not be liable for any delay or non-performance due to circumstances beyond the Artist’s control.

(c) The Artist is an independent contractor and not an employee of Client.

(d) Any changes to this document must be agreed upon in writing by both the Artist and the Client prior to payment of the deposit by the Client.

(e) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and the Artist, and supersedes any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement. There are no other promises, conditions, understandings or other agreements, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. By paying the deposit, the Client agrees that they have read and understand all the terms and conditions outlined above. The Client also understands that the Client will be financially responsible for self, along with bridal party and all deposit(s) made are non-refundable. 

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